Adam Smith

Quick Software Company Idea: Remote Real Time Help

June, 2009

Lucky moms have offspring with computer skillz.

These gifted kids often grow up to become adults. When they do grow up they often use tools like VNC,, or to remote control their parent's PC when they get the distress calls about, as Joel Spolsky says, half grey screens.


It seems mistaken that remote PC support tools are used almost exclusively by either (a) IT help desks in enterprises, or (b) kids helping out their parents.

Instead, why aren't there services that use computer-savvy in India and these screen sharing tools to help newbies get things done on their PCs? There could be a big "Get Help" button next to the Start button in the windows taskbar. Clicking it instantly connects the user with someone in India via screen sharing and voice chat.

The next time these users accidentally minimize ("lose") their browser, they can get instant help and a 30 second demonstration on window management.

If they forget how to download photos from their camera, they get instant help. Round the clock.

I'm not incredibly optimistic about the size of the market or the existance of cost effective customer acquisition channels. Those two questions loom the largest in my mind.

If successful, this idea is most likely to become a lifestyle business rather than the next IPO, it seems.
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